How To Fix Astra Theme Mobile Menu Not Showing Issue?

Not creating a menu or setting primary menus are some of the main reasons the Astra Theme Mobile Menu is Not Showing.

In this blog post, I help you solve your problem of the mobile menu not showing by checking all the little information, such as creating a menu, managing menu location, and customizing the toggle button.

Another common issue users face with the Astra theme is mobile menu is not clickable, which is commonly due to cache plugins.

Method 1: Create and Set Menu

Select Off canvas mobile menu from menu setting
Create Menu

The first step is to check if you have created and set your menu properly.

Let’s start by checking and creating a menu for your website. To do this, log on to your WordPress account and then  Go to Appearance -> Choose Menus -> Create new Menu or Modify Existing Menu.

Give your menu a name such as “Header Menu,” “Primary Menu,” or “Mobile Menu, if different from the web version,” as these are easy to remember.

In Menu Settings at the bottom, you will have multiple options to choose from. By default, you can use the primary menu, which will also be used as the mobile menu. Now save it.

Method 2: Set Off-Canvas Menu from Manage Locations

Fix WordPress Astra Theme Mobile Menu Not Showing Issue Off Canvas Menu
Select Off-Canvas Menu

The second method is to set Off-Canvas Menu if you already have a menu created. To do that, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Appearance —> Menus on your WordPress dashboard page.
  2. Select Manage Locations, and choose the desired menu from the checkbox on the Off-Canvas Menu.
  3. Click the Save Menu button to save the above settings.

Now, when you browse your website page on a mobile web browser, all the menus can be seen and clicked correctly.

Method 2: Customize Menu Toggle Button

Customize Toggle Button
Place or Customize your Mobile Menu

You can also set the design and customize which menus to show on your mobile’s header by customizing the toggle button.

  1. Go to Customize
  2. Choose Site Identity
  3. Select Site Title & Logo Settings
  4. Click on Off-Canvas Menu
  5. Select the Configure menu from Here.
  6. Choose the off-canvas mobile menu.
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Hari Kumar Thapa

Hello, I'm Hari Kumar Thapa, a niche blogger and aspiring SEO specialist from Pokhara, Nepal, with over two years of experience.On my blog, I share simple and effective SEO tips, strategies, and guides to improve SERP visibility.My goal is to consistently provide quality information to build trust and become a go-to resource as an SEO specialist. By creating content that’s not only valuable but also easy to understand and apply.If you want to improve your online presence or need expert SEO advice connect with me to take your digital presence to the next level.

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